Taylor + Evan’s Intimate Rooftop Proposal

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March 1, 2024



My best friend, Taylor, said yes to the love of her life, Evan, on a rooftop in Auburn, AL at the place they met over four years ago. Their intimate rooftop proposal story is one for the books!

It was overcast and so windy but it did not take away from the beauty that was this night. I am so honored that I get to document such beautiful moments in the people closest to me lives.

Evan and I had been in contact a lot in the late fall of 2023 about when the ring would come in and brainstormed ideas of how he wanted to pop the question. Once the ring finally came in, we set a date and organized friends and family coming into town. Evan thought about so many details to make the day so special for Taylor. His parents hosted a surprise engagement party for the pair for that evening!

Evan had Taylor’s day planned down to the minute. Two friends picked her up for breakfast and on their way to drop her back off, gave her flowers and a note from Evan. Another friend was there waiting on her when she got back to her house again, with a note and flowers from Evan. Finally, when they got back to the house, I was waiting inside for Taylor with the last flowers and a note. I laid out an outfit for Taylor completed with some jewels borrowed from her mama. She had time to process what was happening and was able to shower, do her hair and get completely ready. We got in the car all the while Taylor has no idea where we are headed. It wasn’t until the last red light that she figured it out — the place they met, the rooftop of the business building on campus.

We made our way…

to the top and I stopped Taylor to let me go ahead. She had a minute to herself before I called her up the last little way. When she made her way through the door, there was Evan waiting for her. The moment was as good as gold! Taylor ran to Evan, smiling ear to ear. He grabbed her hands and told her how much he loved her. After a little while, Evan reached in his pocket and grabbed the ring box. Again, Taylor smiling ear to ear, Evan asked her to marry him. PURE JOY! I wish I could relive this moment 100x over!

We cried and laughed and screamed and laughed some more! The best night!

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